英语串烧:squeak by 勉强通过

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

实用英语串烧:squeak by 勉强通过

 1. I feel it in my bones. 我非常确定,

实用英语串烧:squeak by 勉强通过

  I feel it in my bones.是「我非常确定」的意思。想想你对一件事确定到连骨头都有感觉了,还会不够确定吗?
  A: How do you know you're going to win?
  B: I feel it in my bones.
  2. squeak by... 勉强通过……
  squeak by的原意是「侥幸通过」,用在形容考试,就是「低空飞过」的意思,表示虽然通过考试,但分数也不高。例如某科你只拿到六十分,就可以说squeak by with a sixty.
  A: I wonder if I got an A on the exam.


实用英语串烧:squeak by 勉强通过》(https://www.unjs.com)。
  B: I'm just hoping I squeaked by with a C.
  3. wipe someone out 让某人一蹶不振
  wipe out 原意是「销毁,彻底毁灭」,不过最常见的`用法是指「让某人散尽钱财、一蹶不振」,如:The bad economics wiped him out.「经济不景气让他破产了。」
  A: How are your stocks doing?
  B: Not good. I got wiped out in the crash last year.

实用英语串烧:squeak by 勉强通过

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