联合投标协议书 (中英文)

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

联合投标协议书 (中英文)


联合投标协议书 (中英文)

联合投标协议书 (中英文)

  联合投标协议书 (中英文)


  甲方:Party A

  乙方:Party B

  丙方: Party C

  甲方与乙方及丙方就招标编号为 的招标项目投标有关事宜,经各方充分协商一致,达成如下协议:

  Party A,Party B and Party C fully agree on with respect to the bidding project No , and arrive at the following agreement:


  Party A as a leader, and Party B, Party C as members, form a CONSORTIUM to make a joint bidding for the project.

  二、 为本次投标的主体单位,联合体以主体方的名义参加投标,联合体中标后,联合体各方共同与招标方签订合同,就本中标项目对招标方承担连带责任。

  is the leading party for the tender, and the CONSORTIUM submit a bid on the behalf of the leading party, if the CONSORTIUM is awarded, all members of the CONSORTIUM sign a contract with the employer and assume joint and several liability for the employer on the project.

  三、主体方负责 等工作;参加方 、 负责 工作。

  The leader is in charge of works; and the members , and complete works.

  四、 负责 等工作,具体工作范围、内容以合同为准。

  take share of the responsibility for works, and the detailed work is subject to contract.


  The agreement for sharing results and intellectual property of the projects is:


  The responsibility, right and obligation of members, consulting with each other on them and by agreement of the employer after award, are stated in further agreement or contract.



联合投标协议书 (中英文)》(https://www.unjs.com)。因发生上述问题导致联合体投标成为废标,联合体的'其他成员可追究违约行为。

  Each member shall not make a bid in this project in one’s own name. The leader shall not be a member of other CONSORTIUMS or solo bid party. If the CONSORTIUM bid becomes abandoned tender due to the problems above, other members of CONSORTIUM can take actions against his breach.


  If the contract is not awarded to the CONSORTIUM, the agreement shall automatically be terminated.

  (签署部分 略)


  (Note: the members shall seal jointly on the agreement, not sign agreements separately.)


  The Agreement Authorized Leader by CONSORTIUM

  (联合体各方名称), , 组成联合体,参加招标编号为 的项目共同投标,我单位现授权(联合体主办方名称)为本投标联合体主办方,联合体主办方负责投标项目的一切组织、协调工作,并授权投标代理人以联合体的名义参加项目的投标,代理人在投标、开标、评标、合同谈判过程中所签署的一切文件和处理与本次招标有关的一切事务,联合体各方均予以承认并承担法律责任。


  (The names of members), and form a CONSORTIUM, and make a joint bid for the project No , now we authorize XX (the name of CONSORTIUM) as the leader of CONSORTIUM and the leader is in charge of all organization and coordination work for bidding, and authorize tender agent to bid on the behalf of CONSORTIUM, and then all the members acknowledge and bear legal the liability for all documents signed and events dealt relating to the bid in the process of bidding, bid opening, bidding evaluation and contract negotiation by tender agent.

  The authorization is valid until the related events of the bid ends.

  (签署部分 略)


  (Note: all members of CONSORTIUM shall be fully stated in the agreement)

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