
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿


       One point is clear that different issues have different objective criteria. For example, criteria of price talking will include factors of cost, market situation, depreciation, price competition and other necessary factors. In other negotiations, experts’ opinions, international conventions and norms and legal documents will all serve as objective criteria.

   In the Sino—US negotiation on China’s accession into WTO, the two parties disputed over China’s developing country status. US took the position that China should be treated as a developed country. To back US stance, American negotiators cited China’s growing exports and large foreign reserve holdings. They argued that in developing countries China’s sophisticated technology in launching and retrieving satellites had no parallel. One American negotiator even compared the situation in China with that in India and some African countries. He said when he opened the door of a family in a poorest area randomly chosen by the Chinese government and asked the people if they had their breakfast, he was told they did, and he went on asking if lunch and supper were guaranteed, the answer was yes. However he had a very different story in some African countries and even in some areas in India. People there had little food for breakfast, not mention lunch and supper. The two countries insisted on their own standards and it was hard to bridge the discrepancy. Here the focus is which criterion to apply to for resolving the dispute. In fact there is a ready criterion provided by the World Bank, which is measured by per capita GNP. According to the World Bank’s standard, countries whose per capita GNP below $785 (1996) are the poorest countries. China’s per capita GNP in 1997 was $750, which is among the poorest countries.

   these cases demonstrates that criteria are used to make solution easily and acceptable because they are fair, effective and rational. There are three points will be considered when telling if a criterion is objective or not: 1) An objective criterion should be independent of wills of all parties and thus be free from sentimental influence of any one. 2) An objective criterion should be valid and realistic. 3) An objective criterion should be at least theoretically accepted by both sides, as in the case of MIT model

  Negotiation doesn’t have to mean giving in or bowing to the will of another party by using objective criteria and standards. Insisting on the use of objective standards, precedents, law or principles is a means both to persuade the other side that an aGREement is fair and to protect your side from being coerced. Standards of legitimacy also make it easier to explain an agreement to one’s constituents.








