
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿


 Four tips

“What do you do when people won’t play along?” “What about situations where there is no possible win—win outcome?” “What happens when people respond with unfair tricks?” Here presents five steps to break through obstacles and obtain win—win aGREements: 1) don’t react to provocations. Step away from the scene, calm down, and carefully plan your response. Do not respond automatically, because most automatic responses are negative and further escalate the situation. 2) Step around obstacles, don’t walk right into them. Use active listening to defuse negative feelings, and use I-messages to express your feelings. Agree whenever you can, but stand up for your principles as well. 3) Ask people “Why?” “Why not?” or “How is that fair?” to try to move them away from positional bargaining toward principled negotiation. 4) Make it easy for the opponent to agree by making the offer as attractive as possible. 5) Make it hard for them to walk away by proving that the negotiated agreement is better than their alternatives. Bring them to their senses, not their knees. Principled negotiation is about understanding and reaching out to the players and building durable bridges based on mutual interests. It focus is on the creative ways and business acumen to enlarge the pie and secure lasting value that is superior to what can be gained by compromise, mediation, arbitration, courts, coercion and other means of dispute resolution.   

When applying collaborative principled negotiation, we should pay close attention to four tips: 1) Once we think the option is helpful to fulfill the negotiation goal, be confident and persistent, and persuade the opponent patiently by explaining the truth and facts. 2) If both parties take exception to the decided criterion, it is necessary to have a complete negotiation on the criterion, never take coercive measures. 3) If we hold firmly to our option, while the opponent has full reasons to veto it, which will inevitably lead to an impasse. Negotiation will be ended if neither party makes effectual concession. Therefore, successful negotiators usually offer an objective criterion flexibly and tentatively and negotiate it with each other rather than offer it on their own arrogantly. A just criterion doesn’t mean to object the other side’s justified standard since every person’s opinion differs. The interested parties should handle problems like judges and make active listening to others even your opinion is inclined to your stance. Faced with disaGREement, you’d better invite a third party to give suggestions. 4) You should introduce a criterion exploratoryly and mildly instead of doing it strongly and toughly, otherwise, the other side will response by retaliation. Reversely, if your opponent puts pressure on you, social relationships, threats, bribery for example. The pressure of “carrying torches and weapons” (do evil openly) is easily to be resisted, while the “sugarcoated bullet” will surely overwhelm some negotiators. On such occasions, you should withstand pressure, present facts and reason things out to bring negotiation to satisfaction.


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