Job Offer Salary Negotiation

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

Job Offer Salary Negotiation

Well done! You have the offer letter for you dream job in your hands. But you see a small glitch the salary doesn't meet your expectations entirely. This is when you have to be real smart. If you really want this job but a different salary, here are some negotiation tactics which you would do well to know.

 Wait till the list of candidates has been narrowed down to the narrowest when the employer is convinced he has to hire you.
Make full use of the time between receiving the offer and accepting it. Negotiations made after indicating acceptance will most likely be in the 'recycle bin'.
Leave a decent amount of time before starting your negotiations.
Be well informed of your true value (what you think you are worth is NOT information).
Don't shy away from bargaining because you think it will be unpleasant. Most companies expect it.
Use a mode of communication that you are most comfortable with.

Ask for a little higher than what you will be happy with you won't get what you ask for anyway.
If the basic salary is 'strictly not negotiable', then try to get an increased amount of other bonuses in the non-salary category.
Add a few extras in your wish list. You can ceremoniously drop these off during your discussion so as to seem flexible.
Remember that salary is not the only thing. You can negotiate on the perquisites as well.
Don't let them ever forget how good you will be for their company.
If you've made up your mind about rejecting their offer, don't waste everyone's time negotiating unnecessarily.
Don't bother telling one company about another offer that you have that's higher paying. They may just tell you to go there!
The trick is to get as much of your wish list accepted and at the same time making them feel they got the best part of the deal.
All employers don't negotiate. The sooner you recognize your kind the better.
Don't try to bully them. It won't work. Ever!
Expect the worst. If it happens, you'll be prepared. If anything else happens you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Be realistic. If this is a job you badly need, your position is definitely weaker.
Human nature being what it is, more demands may crop up in your mind after you've made the deal. Squelch them immediately or risk losing the job.
Accept nothing less than a written agreement of the terms and conditions, clearly stating your pay package.

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