Cover Letter--Generic

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Cover Letter--Generic

Yours Details

Your Name
Your Address
City, state, postal code
Phone number/(e-mail address optional)


Employer's/Company Details

Contact person's name
City, state, postal code

Dear Mr./Ms.:

Paragraph One:
Mention job position you are applying for and source name from where you heard about the openings. Also explain why you are the best candidate for the position, how your background makes you perfect for this position.

Paragraph Second:
Give details about what you can do to meet company's goal, what will be your contribution. Tell about your qualification. Mention your unique key points and experience you have. Describe about your interest in company.

Paragraph Three: (optional)
If you have any extra and important attributes then explain them here.

Paragraph Four:
This is closing paragraph. Here you should ask/request for an interview. Include your contact address with phone number or mobile number. Thanks them for giving timeto read your letter.

(your sign.)

Your full name (typed)

Enc: Resume

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