
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿


Just think back to a recent uncomfortable conversation you had with someone -- a friend, family member or total stranger. Things were going well until the other person just laid it all out there: an unnecessary peek into his or her financial situation, sex life or health problems. No matter what you do, your view of an oversharer is forever changed.





If you haven't suffered through one of these conversations, your time will come ... or you are a walking diary.


Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI is its own monster. At work, oversharing can damage yourreputation , make your co-workers avoid you in the hallway and even damage your career.


Here are 13 things you shouldn't share while on the clock:


1. Medical history: Hospitals and human resources departments are prohibited by law from giving out your medical information for a reason. People have a tendency to adjust their behavior when they find out you have, or had, a medical condition. They might treat you like a sick child or make you an outcast.

1. 健康状况:法律禁止医院与人资部门泄漏你的健康资讯。当他人发现你有,或曾有过,健康问题,他们会倾向改变态度–待你有如病童或将你屏除生活圈。

2. Confidential work information: Hey, did you hear who's getting fired? You -- because you couldn't keep private information to yourself.

Don't Miss

* Does your resume need new acronyms ?
* Help! I hate my coworkers
* Internet tips to help you land a job

2. 机密资讯:嗨,你知道谁被炒鱿鱼吗?就是你–因为你没办法保密,




* 履历表是否需要新的首字母缩写。
* 即使憎恨同事也不能说出口。
* 找工作的网路诀窍绝不能示人。

3. Plans to quit: When you're hunting for a new job, don't let co-workers know. Loose lips or devious motives can mean your secret search finds its way to the boss.

3. 离职想法:当找寻新工作时,绝不能让同事知道。大嘴巴或恶意都可能将消息传入老板耳中。

Possible outcomes: you're let go before you're ready or you're quietly pushed out, which is what happened to Ron Doyle. He mentioned to some co-workers that he and his wife were deciding if one of them needed to quit. Doyle was just thinking aloud and had no intention of turning in his resignation letter quite yet.


"Within 48 hours, I noticed the meetings through the office window -- every administrator present except one -- me," he says. "Communication on critical issues came to a halt and the separation waspalpable ."


When he eventually quit, everyone was surprised. He explained how ostracized he felt, but they insisted that they had no idea they were acting that way toward him. "Never tell them you might leave -- subconsciously or otherwise, they'll act as if you already have."








6.职业成功 职场机会成本 你绝对不能忽略!

