What Shall We do?——英语面试

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What Shall We do?——英语面试


What Shall We do?——英语面试


What Shall We do?——英语面试

  1.积极反映自己的英语水平,主要从发音正确(不一定要特别地道,但是至少不要让人听不明白)、语调自然、步调从容方面调整训练状态,但切忌不要“卖弄”词汇,尤其是背诵过GRE(graduate record examination)词汇的应聘者,这样的炫耀只会适得其反,所谓“过犹不及”,因此自然一些的状态更受employers的欢迎。

  2.面试前一定要适当了解面试机构的corporate cultures (企业文化),有的企业更热爱性格特征aggressive(强势)的employees,有的job positions则需要选择办事较为稳重的'雇员。基本上所有的企业都偏爱对于事业有更高追求,但是办事却脚踏实地的employees。

  3.结合应聘的职位和工作特征,积极表达自己的优势,也就是说,在参加面试前,通常要有意识的准备好一些expressions on the relevant experiences(相关经历的英语表达)。不打无准备之仗,所以没有恰当的英语表达,是不可能在短短的面试几分钟描绘出自己的优秀形象的。

  现在我给大家列举几个interview当中frequently asked questions(常见问题),并做一些简单的解析并提供回答样板。

  Question 1. could you please sell yourself in a minute?

  首先这个问题问得就比平时更常见的“could you please introduce yourself in a minute”要更加高明,因为有的应聘者竟然会听不明白什么叫“sell yourself”,其实也就是“推销自己”的意思。所以大家在训练英语口语的过程中要养成一句话至少能用两种方式去表达的习惯。同时,没有一个HR对千篇一律的介绍真正感兴趣,因此面试者应该介绍自己具有个人特色的information,一定尽量突出qualifications(资质)和motivations(动机)。

  Selina.Dong Sample Answers

  Sure, thank you for the opportunity, call me Selina please.

  I am a recent graduate from XX university, the main subject I studies in the college is XX, which is directly related to the job position. My education performance ranks the 10% place among the peer students. And I did two part jobs during the stay in the college, both of the past two direct bosses gave me excellent evaluations. I also participated in various kinds of sports activities, which gave me a good health to work as a(n) XX.

  That is why I realize I have the passion and capabilities for this job.

  Question 2: What can you do for us?/Why should I hire you?



What Shall We do?——英语面试》(https://www.unjs.com)。因为interviewer直接问这样的问题,表明他(她)本身的立场就是从实际出发去了解interviewee的实际处理能力。事先一定要了解该职位的responsibilities涵盖了哪些方面。

  Selina.Dong Sample Answer

  To be frank, I would like to execute your orders rather than providing an answer here. (*^__^*) Well, with my experiences and my knowledge on this type of job, I think the best thing I can bring you is a new record on the sales figure, I am competent in developing relations with new clients, and I am always alert to create some new promotion campaigns on our products for the mass consumers. The past experiences working of mine as the deputy sales agent for the product from XX Corporation have proved this. I hope I can have the opportunity to prove this.

  Question 3. What are you seeing yourself in the near five years?


  Selina.Dong Sample Answer:

  In the near five years, I would like to work as a successful project manager in your company. With knowledge and expertise in finance, accounting, strategy and business management from the MBA course in XX university and the working experiences of mine, I would be able to work first a qualified employer in your firm. And of course I will like to be responsible for more challenging job assigned, and cooperate with the coworkers, so that we can bring the maximum profits for the company.

【What Shall We do?——英语面试】相关文章:

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3.小学英语说课稿《What do you like》

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7.初二英语《What should I do》说课稿范文

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