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Module  one 单元分析 本模块分两单元Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher.anUnit 2 Hes cool. 整个模块介绍了怎样描述人物的性格特征?要求学生能够用简单的句子对好友的 性格、外形进行描述。同时复习了上学期学过的一些单词fat thin small big tall short ,从而引出naughty shy nice clever等几个新单词。在本模块中,出现了两个表示程度的副词a bit very,分别表示‘非常’和‘有一点儿’可以修饰后面的形容词,鼓励学生在造句时使用适当的副词。   Module  one Unit 1  She is a nice teacher Teaching aims:This is Ms Smart . Shes a nice teacher. Teaching Importance and difficulties:How to describe? Teaching tools:Recorder Teaching steps: Step 1 : Warm up 1) Sing a song. 2)Simply greetings Step 2: Learning and Practising 1)Listen and point Tell the students open their books,and look at the first picture .Answer the teachers questionIs this a dog?The students respond.Now, Im going to play the tape. I want you to listen and tell me who is nice?(The teacher plays the tape as many times as necessary.)Write the new words on the blackboard: nice shy clever naughty The teacher should explain the neaning of these four words.nice: means pleasant.shy: means nervous and embarrassed,especially when you are with people you dont know.clever: means intelligent naughty: means badly behaved.Then the teacher should make statements containing those words.   2)Listen and say   Please look at Acitivity2.Im going to play the tape again. This time Im going to pause it after each person speaks. Then I want you to repeat the sentence.Then you will tell me thecorrect adjective to describe that person.(The teacher does more examples with the class and also with individual students.)   3) Point and say Look at Acivity3,the teacher holds up the book and points to the picture of Xiaoyong.Explain to the students that when we are some distance away fron an object or person, we must use that instead of this.And describes him\her\it usinga suitable adjective. The teacher   monitors the dialogues. Step 3: Homework Write the new words twice, and listen the tape carefully.      unit 2 Hes cool. Teaching aims: This is my big brother.Hes cool. Teaching Importance and difficulties:How to describe? Teaching tools:Recorder Teaching steps: Step 1 : Warm up 1) Sing a song. 2)Greeting. Step2: Learning and Practising Open your books to Module1 unit 2,Look at thepictures. What can you see? Now, Im going to play the tape. I want you to listen carefully and find out who is clever.(The teacher plays the tape as many times as necessary.) Now look at Acitivity2,please. Read the dialogue with a partner.(The students read the dialogue.)   Now work with a partner,please. Student A tells Student Bto look at a character in Activity 1. Student Bdescribes that character using an adjective.(The students work in pairs and the teacher monitors the dialogues.)  Step3: Homework Listen to the tape carefully and write the new words. 教后小结:学生对本单元内容掌握较好,能根据所学巨型进行自由交流。 Module2  London 单元分析 本模块由London si the capital of England和This is the River Thames.两个单元组成,介绍怎样描述一座城市或一处景物?本模块向我们介绍了伦敦是英国的首都、世界著名的大城市,是英国的金融、文化、艺术和教育中心,泰晤士河穿越而过。伦敦历史悠久,名胜古迹众多,拥有许多著名的建筑物和旅游景点,其中包括伦敦桥、伦敦塔、塔桥、大本钟、白金汉宫、海德公园等。歌曲London Bridge is falling down.是一首传统的英国歌曲,让我们感觉一下歌曲的旋律和内容,并边唱边做游戏。   Module2  London unit 1 London si the capital of England Teaching aims: London si the capital of England. And its very big! Teaching Importance and difficulties:How to describe? Teaching tools:Recorder Teaching steps: step1: Warm up 1)Sing a song   2)Move round the classroom, pick up an object and say,What s this? Point to another object and say Whats that?The students can respond,Its a (n)...\  Thats a (n)...(Do many examples with the class.) 3)Have the students do the activity in pairs. Remind   them that the wordthisis used for people or objects we are touching or close to .Thatis used for people or objects that some distance away. Step2: Learning and practising 1)Get the students to look aat the pictures and see if they can work out what is happening. Ask them question in Chinese .e.g: What are the children looking at in the first picture? What are the children doing in picture4? What are they looking at in the last picture? 2)Revisebig and small,and pick up or point to objects in the classroom, say ,This is \That is small or This is \That is big.(Do many examples with the class.)   3)Tell the students that you are giong to pick up or touch things and they have to say if they are big or small.Remind the students that they will have to use thats as they will be some distance away from the objects.(point to some of the things in the story and have individual students tell you if they are big or small.)   4)Point and say   revise the adjectives the students know, including colours,e.g. big small,naughty.clever,short,thin,fat, small,long, red,yellow.   Now point to objects on different pages in the book   and say what each one is . The students have to make a statement about each object using an adjective.( Have the students continue the activity in pairs.) Step3: Homework unit 2 This is the River Thames. Teaching aims: This is the River Thames Its long and wide. Teaching Importance and difficulties:How to describe? Teaching tools:Recorder Teaching steps: step1: Warm up 1)Sing a song   2) Rebise adjectives. Tell the students that you are going to say an adjetive. They have to find something in their books that the adjective describes. Ask two or three students to say which object they chose. Step2:Learning and practising 1) After doing Listen,point and say,tell teh students to close their books. Explain that you are going to say the first word of a two-word place name. These places are all in London.The students have to say the second word of the two- word name. 2)If possible, have the students somtinue the activity in pairs.They should take turns to say the first word. 3)When playing guessing games, the students should be free to ask as many questions as they want to find out what the object is.e.g. Is it...? However, they can only guess the name of the object once.e.g.Is it...? Tell the students that you are going to say adjectives and they have to think of monuments in China that   these adjectives describe.(It is acceptable for the   students to say the names of the monuments in Chinese. 4)Have the students look at the picture and describe it.Tell teh students that this song.London Bridge is falling down is a traditional English song. Explain that London Bridge is a very famous bridge in London.   Play the spoken version of the song and have the   students repeat each line.   Now play the tape and have the students sing the  song. Step3: Homework   教后小结:学生对本单元内容掌握较好,能根据所学巨型进行自由交流。基本能够认读所学的几个著名的建筑物。并对其进行简单的描述。  Module3 Picnic 单元分析 本模块由Unit 1 Will you take your kite? 和Unit2 On Sunday Ill go swimming两个单元组成。向我们介绍怎样特定并谈论计划、讨论一周七天的计划?本模块单词量稍微多一点,学习星期的表达方法和运用‘will you...?Yes,I will.No,I wont.     Module3 Picnic Unit 1 Will you take your kite? Teaching aims: Were going to have a picnic.   Will you take your kite? Yes,I will.\No, I wont. Teaching Importance and difficulties:Make and discuss the planation. Teaching tools:Recorder Teaching steps: step1: Warm up   1)Sing a song   2)Tell the students to pretend they are going on a  picnic.Get them to think of things they might take. Write the words on the board. Encourage the students to think of both objects and food. 3)Tell the students to close their books. say









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