牛津版M5U2教案四:Grammar: V-ing形式

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牛津版M5U2教案四:Grammar: V-ing形式

I. Teaching aims and demands 1. Help Ss understand verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb. 2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect. II. Teaching important and difficult points 1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb 2. How to use verb-ing phrases III. Teaching aids Multimedia, Blackboard and Test paper. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1: Teaching check before class   Step 2: Grammar and usage: Verb-ing form V-ing形式又分为动名词及现在分词。 1、动名词的句法功能:   ①、作主语: Reading aloud is very helpful. 朗读是很有好处的。 Collecting stamps is interesting. 集邮很有趣。 当动名词短语作主语时常用it作形式主语。 It’s no use quarrelling.争吵是没用的。   ②、作表语: In the ant city, the queen’s job is laying eggs. 在蚂蚁王国,蚁后的工作是产卵。   ③、作宾语: They haven’t finished building the dam. 他们还没有建好大坝。 We have to prevent the air from being polluted. 我们必须阻止空气被污染。 注意动名词既可作动词宾语也可作介词宾语,如上面两个例句。此外,动名词作宾语时,若跟有宾语补足语,则常用形式宾语it,例如: We found it no good making fun of others. 我们发现取笑他人不好。   ★要记住如下动词及短语只跟动名词作宾语:resist(抵抗),mind(介意),suggest(建议),delay(推迟),keep(on) (保持),look forward to (期昐),enjoy(喜欢),include(包括),appreciate(欣赏),imagine(想象),practise(实践),finish(完成),consider(考虑),can’t help(不禁),miss(错过) 以上动词及短语可以通过口诀进行记忆:   抗议(意)推辞(迟)昐喜报,心(欣)想事(实)成考不错。   ④、作定语: He can’t walk without a walking-stick. 他没有拐杖不能走路。 Is there a swimming pool in your school? 你们学校有游泳池吗?   ⑤、作同位语: The cave, his hiding-place is secret. 那个山洞,他藏身的地方很秘密。 His habit, listening to the news on the radio remains unchanged. 他收听收音机新闻节目的习惯仍未改变。 2、现在分词的句法功能:   ①、作定语:现在分词作定语,当分词单独做定语时,放在所修饰的名词前;如果是分词短语做定语放在名词后。 In the following years he worked even harder. 在后来的几年中,他学习更努力了。 The man speaking to the teacher is our monitor’s father.正与老师谈话的那个人是我们班长的父亲。 现在分词作定语相当于一个定语从句的句法功能,如:in the following years也可用in the years that followed; the man speaking to the teacher可改为the man who is speaking to the teacher. ②、现在分词作表语: The film being shown in the cinema is exciting. 正在这家上演的电影很棒。 The present situation is inspiring. 当前的形势鼓舞人心。 be + doing既可能表示现在进行时,也可能是现在分词做表语,它们的区别在于be + doing表示进行的动作是进行时,而表示特征时是系动词be与现在分词构成系表结构。 ③、作宾语补足语:如下动词后可跟现在分词作宾语补足语:see, let, make, listen, hear, have, watch, notice, feel, look at等。例如: Can you hear her singing the song in the next room? 你能听见她在隔壁唱歌吗? 以上动词同样也可以通过口诀进行记忆:   三让(make, let, have),三看(see, look at, watch),两听(listen to, hear),注意感觉(notice, feel) ④、现在分词作状语: a.作时间状语:(While) Working in the factory, he was an advanced worker. 在工厂工作时,他是一名先进工人。 b.作原因状语: Being a League member, he is always helping others. 由于是共青团员,他经常帮助他人。 c.作方式状语,表示伴随: He stayed at home, cleaning and washing. 他呆在家里,又擦又洗。 d.作条件状语: (If) Playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. 要是整天玩,你就会浪费宝贵的时间。 e.作结果状语: He dropped the glass, breaking it into pieces. 他把杯子掉了,结果摔得粉碎。 f.作目的状语: He went swimming the other day. 几天前他去游泳了。 g.作让步状语: Though raining heavily, it cleared up very soon. 虽然雨下得很大,但不久天就晴了。 h.与逻辑主语构成独立主格: I waiting for the bus, a bird fell on my head.我等汽车时,一只鸟落到我头上。 All the tickets having been sold out, they went away disappointedly. 所有的票已经卖光了,他们失望地离开了。 Time permitting, we’ll do another two exercises. 如果时间允许,我们将做另两个练习。 有时也可用with (without) +名词(代词宾格)+分词形式。 With the lights burning, he fell asleep. 他点着灯睡着了。 i.作独立成分: Judging from(by) his appearance, he must be an actor. 从外表看,他一定是个演员。 Generally speaking, girls are more careful. 一般说来,女孩子更细心。 Step 3: Exercises for consolidation   Step 4: Homework   V. Blackboard design   VI. Notes after teaching

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