Heroes--Super hero教案

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Heroes--Super hero教案

Heroes--Super hero教案 北师大版新课标 必修五 Unit 2   王芳 Time: Nov.11.2010 Place: Class 3, Senior One Teacher: Wang Fang Topic: Super hero Teaching aims: Help the students to know something about the super hero Christopher Reeve. Enable the students to develop word attack skills to cope with new vocabularies and phrasal verbs. Train the students’ reading skills such as skimming, scanning and intensive reading and enable students asking for and giving personal information. Teaching difficulties and focus: How to enable them to master vocabularies and phrasal verbs. How to let students voice their own opinions. Teaching methods: Questions and answer method. Task-based method Group work Teaching aids: A multimedia computer and a blackboard. Teaching procedures: Step1 . Warming up. Greeting Get the students’ attention on our topic today: T: In the unit we talk about heroes, we know a lot of excellent people , who make good contribution to society . Today we are going to talk about Superhero, what do you think superhero is like?  Who do you think superheroes are? S: T: What do you know about Christopher Reeve? S: Step 2. Pre-reading Show the students two pictures of Christopher Reeve, Ask them to guess what happened to him. T: in the text he is called superhero? He is honored with “superhero” what did he do? Do you want to know the reason? Let’s read the text? Step 3. While-reading Skimming Task 1  Skimming through the passage and find out the main idea of the passage. Task2 Find the answers to the following questions. 1 What was his most famous film character? Superman 2 What terrible thing happened to him in real life? He fell off his horse and broke his back. 3 What did he do afterwards? He promoted medical research and made speeches all over the USA about his experiences. Scanning Scan through the passage and Match the topics with the parts of the article. a) the riding accident  (1) b) his marriage ( ) c) his feelings after the accident  ( ) d) his death  ( ) e) his parents ( ) f) his belief  ( ) g) how he get involved with charity work  ( ) h) his work  ( ) Answers: b 4 c 3  d 8 e 5 f 7 g 6 h 2 Detailed reading True or False 1 After the accident, his wife married him to help Christopher Reeve pull through. 2 Christopher Reeve got involved with charity work because he wanted to encourage others who are unlucky as he.. 3 Reeve was optimistic facing the fact that he couldn’t stand up any longer. 4 Both of Reeve’s parents loved their son despite his disabilities . Answers: F T T T Step 4. Language points 1. on ones own 独自;靠自己 She lives on her own. 她一个人过。 2. experience 经验(不可数) The doctor has rich working experience, 那个医生有丰富的工作经验。 经历,阅历(可数) Please tell us your experiences in America. 请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。 3. suffer from 忍受, 遭受 suffer from cold and hunger 饥寒交迫 suffer from floods 遭受水灾 4. pull through 度过难关, 恢复健康 I believe that you can pull through. 我相信你能够度过难关。 5. get on  生活, 融洽相处, 进展 They are getting on well now. 他们现在相处融洽。 I believe that we can get on well with each other. 6. react to 与...起反应  The eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光起反应。 Choose the correct meaning for the phrasal verbs. 1 come to  a) to visit  b) to reach a state 2 pull through  a) to survive  b) to walk 3 think of  a) to carefully consider b) to have an idea 4 give up  a) to be afraid b) to stop fighting 5 get on  a) to have a friendly relationship  b) to escape Answers: 1 b  2 a  3 b  4 b  5 a Use the phrasal verbs above to complete these sentences. 1 Understanding his wife helps Christopher  well with her. 2 After the accident, doctors warned Christopher that he wasn’t going to   and live. 3 Talking with his family and friends helped Christopher terms with his disabilities. 4 Christopher says there is so much happening in his life right now that he is too busy to   giving up and dying. 5 After Dana told Christopher that he had her support and love, Christopher decided  not to on living. Answers: 1 get on 2 pull through 3 come to 4 think of 5 give up Discussion 1) How do you describe Christopher Reeve? 2) Do you think he is a hero? Why? 3) What can we learn from him? Homework Review the reading passage and find out the difficult language points to you. Review the words and phrases of the passage and get ready for a dictation.

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