
时间:2023-04-25 20:42:40 教案 我要投稿
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TEACHING  PLAN Cooking with Mocky 作者:陈立 (卢伟整理) 教学目标: 知识与技能目标:能够读和读懂故事;能够听出说出故事中的名词、动词及祈使句;能够从故事中收集有用信息,复述课文;能够运用关于蛋糕制作的语言。 过程与方法目标: 通过视频、对话感知所学语言;通过答问、模仿、排序、判断、交流、汇报展示等活动,理解内容,运用知识。 教学重难点:理解故事大意,学习相关词汇和句型,在具体情景中运用所学语言。 教学过程: Step 1:Warming up and leading in 1.A short movie about cooking: What’s the movie? 2.Free talk Talk about cooking. T: Today we will cook with Mocky Step 2: During Learning Story 1.  Presentation and input (1).First reading: To find out “What do they cook together?” (2).Second reading: To find out “What do they need to make a cake?” (3).Third reading: To find out “How to they make a cake?” 2.Understanding the details (1).Put some flour into a bowl (2). Add some butter into the flour (3). Mix them together (4).We will have 3 more steps Can you match them? Please use this form to match. You can check your books. 3.Imitation and practicing (1).Read after the tape (2).Read the passage A.Why do they cook cake together?Can you guess? Studends read and find the answers(Father’s Day) B.How much do they need for each? (3).Check students’undersanding TURE OR FALSE TIME: If you think it’s ture, raise your pen; If you think it’s false,raise your pencil-box Step 1:After learning the story:Production 1.  Review and get more ideas from the movie T:Children’s Day is coming. We can make a cake on Children’s Day. It must be very interesting . What’s your favourite kind of cake?What more kinds of cake do you know? 2.  Language in use:Make a cake recipe individually T:Let’s make our cake recipe! First, choose your favourite kind of cake, then ,follow all the steps,please don’t fortget to bake the cake and put what you like on your cake. Talk about how to make a cake. Students choose and make the cake, then talk about them in pairs. Step 3:Homework 1.  Read the story again Introduce the steps of making a cake to your parents.




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