鼓励学生自主学习 camping trip教案

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鼓励学生自主学习 camping trip教案

5A Unit8 A camping trip(Part A period1)  徐师一附小 张波 Teaching content: Fun with English 5A the first period of Unit8 A Knowledge aims 1. Ss can understand,speak, read and write the following words:  children, a hill, show 2.  Ss can understand, speak, read the following words: a tent, a blanket, a telescope, a tin opener, a camping trip, a camping site 3.  Ss can understand, speak, the sentences and patterns:  What do you have?  I\We have … What does … have?  He\ She has… What do they have? They have… 4.  Ss can understand, speak, read the following sentences   Look, …and …are coming.   Great! Ability aims: Learn how to understand the sentences and patterns and dialogue  Emotion aims: Let the students be interested in English and be willing to share theirs things to each other. Let the students know how to protect the invioment Make the students understand  how to go to special places Important and difficult points 1. Enable the students to grasp the usage of the possessive pronouns 2. Apply the sentence structure to the real situation Teaching aids: PPT, some objects necessary Teaching steps: 1. Presentation T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Zhang. T: Look, there are so many teachers in our classroom,are you happy S: yes ,I’m happy! T:I’m happy too,I think you will do good jobs in this lesson,because you  like English ,right? S: right! T: Hello xx,Do you like English ? S: Yes,I do. T: What’s your other hobby? S: I like taking photos T:That is a good hobby. What about you? What is your hobby? S:I like… …… 2.导入 T :Your hobbies are good ways to relax yourself. What other better ways for you to relax yourselves? Ss: I can go to the park/ I can go shopping/ I can sleep at home…. T : Today I have a good way to relax ourselves   We can have a camping trip.  Read and learn the phress “ a camping trip” T: If we will have a camping trip ,what do we need?   Ss :Something to eat:we need some fruit,/cholalates,/hamburger…   Something to drink : we need some juice/water/milk….   Something to use:  we need a stove/ pot/a coat/a tent… T: Now,there is a thing for the trip ,can you guess what is this?   (show a part of the tent) Ss: is this a tent? /a blankent?/a umbrella? T: let’s have a look,oh ,it’s a tent.(show the tent ) What do you want to know about the tent? Ss : where is the tent? Whose tent is this? Who is in the tent ?   Who is in the tent ? what is the in the tent….. T : The answers are in the picture,can you find the answers in the picture?( show the picture of the text)   1.who are they? The children and their teachers   2.where are they? Are now near the hill   At the camping site   3. what are they doing? They are showing their things to each other.  Read the answers together. 3. Learn the text T : They are showing their things to each other What are they showing ? what do they have? Let’s listen to a passage and fill in a form T: let’s talk about   What does Liu Tao have? S: He has a big tent. If you are Liu Tao  what do you have? I havea a .. Learn the sentence patten:   What does …have?....has…. What do you have?  ….have….   T: You have a big tent, Liu Tao!( put the sentence on the blackboard)   Work in pairs, ask and answer   Talk about the things and put the sentences on the board 4.you talk so well I wii play a cartoon for you,and you should try to remember   What do they have,and how many things do they have? Things to use… Things to eat… 5.linten  to the recorder and mark the tone,try to amitate the pronunciation   Can you ask more questions? 6. All of your questions are excellent, what about your reading?   Try to read the sentences one by one 7.you have knowing how to have a caming trip and what do we nee for the trip,right?   Now let’s make a trip plan in groups   Think about : where when who  how  things 8 we can change our things and share our things 9 We are ready for the trip,shall we go now?   Let’s sing a song and go on a caming trip! 10 . Look ,we are at the caming site now What can you do ,what are you dong here?ate out in groups 11. we have a wonderful trip,are you happy? It’s late,we should go home now But  what’s the matter with the caming site? What can you see? Ss: I can see a bottle/ an apple/rubbish….   Yes,there is the rubbish every where   Looke. A monkey fells down… what do you think of this? Ss: we should ….. Read after the teacher:   Pick  up  the rubbis   Keep the water clean Protect the invioment .12 T: if you have a chance to go to ather place,where do you want to go? Ss: I want to go to ,… T: But if we will go to the desert, Xin Jiang ,or the Tibet   What will you take. Please talk  about  yourself.         附录:listening passage   The  children and their teachers are at the camping site,they are showing their things to each.Liu Tao has a big tent,Nancy has a tent too,she also has a chair,David has a chair too.Helen has two tins,they are a tin of chincken and a tin of fish,Yang Ling has a tin-opener.Mike has a pot and stove.Suhai and Suyang have two blankents and a telescope.How about their teachers? Oh,Miss Li has a box of chocolates and Mr Grenn has some fruit!     Listen to the passage and fill in the form with the word ginving.     things to use a tent ,a chair,a tin-opener,a pot,a stove,two blankets,a telescope things to eat a tin of chicken and a tin of fish,a box of chocolates, some fruit   Who have/has   things Liu Tao      Mike       David     Nancy     Helen       Yang Ling     Su Hai and Su Yang     Mr Green     Miss Li        

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