六年级unit 1 lesson 1教案及教学反思

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六年级unit 1 lesson 1教案及教学反思

教学目标:1.能够听说读写短语on foot,by bike, by bus, by train 2.能够听说认读短语by plane, by ship, bu subway   3.能用句子how do you go to school? how do you go to canada/...?来替换关键词询问别人的出行方式,并能够用I go by...进行回答 教学重难点: 重点:by的用法;听说认读(写)7种常见的出行方式  难点:能用how do you go to...替换关键词问别人的出行方式   初步听懂一些课堂用语  教具准备:录音机,教学图片 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.Daily talk whats the weather like today? what date is it today? 2. Free talk T: Today miss sheng go to school by bus(No. 138 bus). usually i go to school by bike.(action) what about you? how do you go to school? do you go by bike? or by bus?--(it can be a lead-in. it doesnt matter if the students cant answer these questions.) T: OK. today we are going to learn a new lesson. unit 1 how do you go there?   Step 2 Presetation T: boys and girls,how do i go to school? who knows? hands up. S1: by bus? T: im sorry. you can think more about it. and you? S2: let me try. by bike. T: excellent. i go to school by bike.( Bb) T:How do you go to school?( to another student) 重复2到3名学生后,可加入me too的说法 [by train/by subway] T:look at the screen. whats this? Ss: expo? T: right. it is expo. look at these pictures. i go to shanghai by train( pronuciation) i go to expo by subway.( explanation) T: who has been to shanghai? how do you go to shanghai? S4: i go to shanghai by... [by plane/by ship] T: good. class, now take out your books and turn to page 4. look at these two pictures. what can you see in the picture? Ss: by plane/by ship. [on foot] T: look at me. what am i doing?[action] Ss: you are walking. T: right. i go to school on foot.(Bb)   Step 3 Practice 1.看短语贴卡片 2. listen to the tape( lets learn) 3. make a dialogue   Step 4 Add-activities Lets play   Step 5 Bb design Unit 1 How do you go there?   I go to school by bike/by bus/by bike/by plane/by ship/by subway I go to school on foot.   THOUGHTS about lessons: 本课为学期的第一堂新课,师生都处在磨合期,气氛还算融洽。 1。教学目标基本实现(by bus, by bike, by train, on foot的写没有强调,下次应该在单词教学中突出) 2。时间安排上,热身部分时间有些长(由于学生对已学过的知识掌握不够扎实,有些冷场)加之我抛出的问题有一定难度,学生反应平平。 3。课堂用于上,应尽可能躲让学生接触常用的口语(长期的过程,不可冒进)

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