Module 12 Traditiona

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Module 12 Traditional life Unit 1 You must wait and open it

Module 12  Traditional life Unit 1 You must wait and open it later. 教学目标 一、知识与能力目标: 1、 能听懂介绍中国风俗的听力材料。 2、 能谈论某地的风俗习惯或规章制度。 3、 能正确朗读含有must的特殊疑问句及其答语。 4、 能就自己的家规、校规作表述。 5、 掌握目标语言: (1) 词汇:chess chopsticks  purse  soap chat  immediately accept wrap lucky break receive custom  hang on  do some cleaning  stop doing  give sb sth  wrap sth in red paper  cut one’s hair (2)互相交流中运用的句型: You can open it. Get a move on. When someone gives you a present, you must open it immediately. In China you must wait and open it later. When you accept a present, you must use both hands. You mustn’t break anything. You can’t cut your hair. (3)语法功能:能使用must,mustn’t,can, can’t 表述某地的风俗习惯或规章制度。 二、情感态度与价值观:培养学生文明的交际行为,并能理解尊重不同国家的风俗习惯。 三、学习策略:较角色表演、合作交流、归纳比较各国的文化风俗。 四、学习方法选择: 1、 创设真实的语言情境,引入讨论的主题。 2、 运用“组内合作,组间竞争”的小组合作评价机制。 3、  合理运用多媒体辅助教学,运用网络视频、音频等有效素材。五、教学流程环节一  Warming-up T:Show some pictures about birthday parties. Play the song Happy Birthday To You Ss: sing the song together. 环节二  presentation T:1. read through the words and expression_rs in Activity 1with the whole class, the tape 3.ask Ss What present they like to have got on their birthday. the tape again. Ss:1. repeat them chorally and individually, 2.look at the pictures in Activity 2, listen to the tape and number the words and expression_rs , then check the answers with their partners. And then match the words with the pictures.   3.Answer the question.   4.Fill in the chart. Suggestions for Lingling’s present Something related in the conversation a  toy too old for a toy a chess set     for her bathroom   to eat   to eat with a purse   a DVD     to wear on her head   to look up new words 环节三 Listen and read T:1. play the tape four times. (点拨1:Explain the uses of must,mustnt,can and cant.) Ss: 1、听第一遍录音回答:How many countries can you hear?  2、听第二遍录音回答:(1)What  are they talking about? (2)What must you eat on the first day of the Chinese New Year? 3、听第三遍录音填空:(1)In China you________wait and open it later. (2)In Britain we ________use one hand to accept a present. (3)You _______wrap hongbao in red paper because its lucky. (4)You________do any cleaning on  the first day of the Chinese New Year. 4、听第四遍录音完成表格:Check what you must and mustnt / cant do in China.   must mustn’t / can’t 1.Use both hands when you accept a present.     2.Wrap hongbao in white, blue or black.     3.Cut your hair on the first day of the Chinese NewYear     4.Break something on the first day of the Chinese NewYear      环节四 practice T: 1.Ask Ss to read the dialogue.   2. Ask Ss to play a game. Ss:1、分角色朗读对话或自己读以熟悉文本材料。 2、做游戏巩固must,mustnt,can和 cant 的有关句型。分成六组,每组分发一张写有must,mustnt,can和 cant 的句子,以耳语形式传递到最后一名同学,由最后一名同学记下这些句子,看哪一组完成的快又好。环节五 Out put T: 1.Show some pictures.   2.Ask Ss to finish Activity 5 on page 97.  Ss:1. According to the pictures, write one or two sentences with must, mustnt, can or cant.   2.Do Activity 5 on page 97and check the answers. 环节六 Pronunciation and speaking T: the tape. (点拨2: must 引导的一般疑问句的否定回答用:No, you/he /we/they needn’t.) 2.Ask them to work in pairs to practice the dialogues. 3. Ask them to do Activity 7 on page 97 individually. 4. Ask them to do Activity 8 on page 97 in groups. Ss:1. listen and repeat the questions and answers.   2. practice the dialogues in pairs.   3.Do this activity and then check with a partner.   4. Do this activity in groups. In turn, say the things they wrote in Activity 7. Find out who has the longest list. At home:  At the dining table:   At school: 环节七 Feedback(见达标题)环节八Summing-up 1、这节课你学到了哪些知识? 2、在哪方面还有疑惑?    环节九Homework 1. 必做题:Do Exx 1and 2. 2. 选做题:用你本节课所学(1)制定家规/(2)制定校规或班规/(3)制定图书室、阅览室或微机室的规章制度附:达标题 一、词汇大冲关:1、钱包 2、立刻 3、接受 4、幸运的  5、收到  6、风俗习惯  二、短语互译:1、别聊了 2、理发 3、用红纸包东西  4、给某人礼物  5、中国的新年 6、hang on 7、Get a move on!  8、do some cleaning 9、break anything  10、use both hands   三、用must,mustnt,can和 cant填空 1. In theUSA,when someone gives you a present, you  open it immediately. 2. You do any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese NewYear. 3.In China you  wrap hongbao in white paper because it isn’t lucky. 4.In Britain we  use one hand to accept a present. 四、根据图片造句子   1、  2、  3、  4、  5、 教学反思:本节课规则和习俗这样话题,展开听说读写一系列语言实践活动,其语言功能是用must,mustnt,can和 cant表述某地或某场所的风俗习惯与规章制度。本节课是一听说课,同时兼顾读写,以培养学生的听说能力为主,能为来中国家庭做客的外国朋友提出建议,学生通过学习,也能够就自己的家规、校规等话题做表述。本节课本着低起点、多层次的原则设计了九个环节,培养了学生自学与合作学习的能力,发挥了多媒体课件的辅助作用,取得了较好的教学效果。存在的问题主要是练习和输出环节还有些欠缺,在说的环节上处理的还不够好。

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