PEP六年级下册Unit1 A let’s read 教案

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PEP六年级下册Unit1 A let’s read 教案

教学内容: A Let’s read  Pair work 教材分析:本课是一堂阅读课,通过对话的形式复习掌握用英语表达高度、长度的方式以及形容词比较级巨型的用法。 教学目标: 1.能听懂对话,进一步掌握用英语表达高度、长度的方式以及形容词比较级句型的用法。 2.能理解对话内容,完成相应的练习题。 3. 在学习活动中培养学生的团结合作意识。 教学重难点: 1. 重点:理解对话内容,侧重掌握高度、长度的表达方式以及形容词比较级句型的用法。 2. 难点:形容词funny比较级的构成。 学生能够灵活运用所学句型于实际情景。 学情分析: 本课内容相对比较简单,对学生来说理解很容易,课后练习题也能够完成,句型的运用有些难度。应多创建情景让学生练习。 教学准备: 录音机  磁带  课件  学生准备一张照片 教法、学法指导: 小组合作讨论法、讲授法、情境创设法 教学过程: Step1 Warm-up 1. Let’s sing 师生齐唱12页的歌曲热身。 通过歌曲让学生进入学习英语的氛围。 2. 口语练习 T: How tall are you ? S: I’m  155cm tall. How tall are you ? S: I’m 160cm tall. ...... 3. 游戏:Listen and do 老师说口令,学生做动作。 T:Touch your mouth. Touch your ear. Touch your eye. ........ 通过游戏活跃课堂气氛,同时为生词的新授做铺垫。 Step2  Presentation Let’s read 1.T: Touch your tail. 学生很茫然 课件出示一只猴子的图片 T:Do you have tails? We have no tails. But the monkey has. Look at the monkey, how long is the tail? 课件呈现 生词 tail ,教师领读,学生齐读几遍。 通过游戏导入新词,自然生动。 T:How long is the tail? 课件呈现38cm Ss: Its tail is 38cm. T: How tall is the monkey? Ss: It’s 40cm tall. 出示单词its 和it’s 比较这两个单词的区别 3. 出示两张猴子的图片,一只大猴子,一只小猴子 T:which monkey do you like, the big one or the little monkey? S1: I like the big one. It’s taller and stronger. S2: I like the little one. It’s younger. 两、三组过后 T: Do you know which monkey do I like? Look, I like the little one. It is younger and funny. It is funnier than the big monkey. 出示funnier 齐读几遍 T: How tall are they? Guess! I think the big monkey is 140cm tall. What about you ? S1: I think the big one is 120cm tall. S2: I think the litle monkey is 100cm tall. 两、三组之后出示答案 4.课件出示Ben 和his fanther 在动物园的图片 T:Today, ben and his father are at the zoo.Now they are watching the monkeys. How many monkeys are there ? Read and tick or cross: 1) There are three monkeys. two are big,one is small. ( ) ?  2) The yellow monkey is taller than the brown one. ( ) ?  3) The little monkey is 38cm tall. ( ) ?  4) The little monkey is younger. (  ) ?  5) The brown monkey’s tail is 40cm. (  ) 检查核对答案 Finish the sentences 核对答案 4. 跟录音机读 跟教师读 自读 齐读 Pair work 教师出示一张自己和朋友合照的照片 T:Look, this is me . This is my friend . She’s one year younger than me . She’s taller than me .She has short hair and big eyes. Can you introduce your friend? 让学生两人一组展示照片,互相介绍自己的朋友。 然后找几组学生在全班展示。 该活动使学生感觉处于真实的交际状态,而且介绍朋友,学生比较熟悉,积极性较高,而且也有话说。 Step3 Consolidation Look, write and say: 课件展示三只熊的图片 T: Look here. There are three bears. Which bear do you like ?  Why? Talk with your parnters,then tell us. Write down the sentences. 该活动把说和写结合起来,让学生能学以致用,有一种成功感。 Homework: 做相应的基础训练 课后听读课文,并录音。 板书设计:   Unit1 A Let’s read   The yellow monkey is taller. The brown monkey is sronger. The little monkey is younger and funnier.

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