英语版求职信 -书信

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 书信 我要投稿

英语版求职信 -书信

One-page Generic Want Ad Letter
  Ryan Tolbech
  4532 Cahilloval
  San Angelo, TX 76902
  (915) 942-9313
  December 2, 19-- BT&K 2000
  18th Street Suite 300
  San Angelo, TX 76902

英语版求职信 -书信

  Attention: Senior Creative Director

  I am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the May issue of Advertising

  Age for a Production Artist. I believe I have the skills that your company is

  seeking, and would like to be considered for the position.

  I have extensive layout and design experience and enjoy working on precise, detailed projects. My background in 4-color production, camera work, and desktopublishing systems would also be an asset to your company. Working under tight deadlines is the standard of the advertising industry that I come from, and is not a problem for me.

  I look forward to meeting with you personally, and reviewing the needs of BT&K

  in greater detail. I can be reached at the above telephone number.

  Let's talk soon,

  Ryan Tolbech

尊敬的领导同志: Dear Sirs/Madams, 您好! Hello! 首先真诚地感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的求职材料,


。 Firstly I'd like to thank you for making time to read my application material. 我是日语专业2008年应届毕业生张-----。 I am Zhang-----, a graduating student in 2008, majoring in Japanese. 在新的人生启程之际,我怀着一份渴盼、一份自信向您毛遂自荐。 In the new journey of my life, I am wistful and confident to recommend myself to you. 如蒙赏识,我将用我的学识和能力为贵单位贡献自己一份绵薄之力。 If I gain your appreciation,I will make efforts with my knowledge and ability to devote myself entirely to your company. 转眼间,大学生活就将过去了,在这期间,我把提高自身的素质和能力作为自己大学生活的奋斗目标,不断磨练我刻苦求知的.精神。 Since my campus life will end soon, during this period, I pursue my career aims of promoting both inner quality and professional ability,and with practice learn to be hard working and curious for knowledge. 我积极上进,具有良好的团队精神和世界观。 I have an active sense of uplift, with good team spirit and world outlook. 我牢记“不积跬步,无以致千里;不积小流,无以成江河”的古训,在学习上认认真真,接受了系统的素质教育和能力培养,掌握了扎实的专业基础知识,并具备了良好的专业技能。 I always remember the ancient proverb,"Without accumulation of small steps,one can not get miles away;Without gathering of little streams, the river can not become wide." With this proverb as my motto, I work hard in my study, receiving systematic quality education and ability practice, laying a strong foundation of basic knowledge and good professional skill. 目前,我顺利通过了日本语能力试验1级和国家英语四级考试


英语版求职信》(https://www.unjs.com)。 At present, I have easily passed the First Level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and CET-4. 能熟练使用WindouwsXP、Word等软件的基本操作及Photoshop的基本运用,给自己的知识库注入了新鲜的血液! I can proficiently perform the basic operation of many software, such as Windows XP, Word, Photoshop and so on. All the above provides new resources to my knowledge storage. 在校期间,自学人力资源管理专业书籍,并擅长写作,多次在国家级刊物上发表文章。 I have learned Human Resources Management by myself at campus,and I am good at writing,publishing articles repeatedly in state-level newspapers and magazines. 明朗活力,敏锐自信,精明干练的我天生热爱看书、弹琴、旅游等活动。 With brightly activity, acuteness and confidence,I am smart and capable. I am inherently interested in activities of reading, playing piano, travelling and so on. 多次参加各种比赛使我在多次获得荣誉的同时,也培养了我不断进取、永不言败、吃苦耐劳的精神;多年来的学生干部经历让我更加明白“从同学中来,到同学中去”的重要性。 With the the experience and honor of winning all kinds of competition, I acquire the spirit of advancing forward, never giving up and hard working. The long experience of student leader makes me realize the importance of "come from students, and serve for students." 以利国利民为容;以诚信大度为德;以勇敢创新为美;怀一腔良善利天下他人是我永远的追求和信念! I am proud of the contribution to the state and people, honesty and tolerance. I consider courage and innovation as a virtue. Goodness useful to others is my forever aim and belief! “诚实守信”是我做人的原则,“敬业奉献”是我的工作态度,“卓越、创新”是我的企业理念。 "Honesty and faith" is my priciple of life, while "professional dedication" is my attitude to work, and "excellence and innovation" is my belife in career. 我不求安逸的生活环境和优厚的待遇,只求让一个富有朝气自信的年轻人充盈您求才若渴的目光,为您的伟业尽微薄之力。 I am not searching for an easy living environment or good payment. What I want is to let a vigorous and confident youth meet your appreciative vision. 若蒙垂青,定当不负众望,倾力赴职! If I am luckily chosen, I will not let your down, and try my best to do my job! 祝您身体安康,贵单位事业兴旺发达! Wish you health and a prosperous business! 此致 敬礼 Respectfullly 英文的都翻译完了。希望您满意。。。日文的就算了吧,免得班门弄斧。布鼓雷门。关公面前耍大刀。。。。

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