阅读英語科技文章的技能和技巧简述 -

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阅读英語科技文章的技能和技巧简述 -范文



。如果想要及时掌握最新的科技信息,把握住现代科技发展的脉搏,最好的解决办法是自己直接阅读英语文献资料,获得第一手信息。只要有较好英语的基础,再掌握英语阅读的技巧,做到这一点并非很难。 阅读技能是学习任何语言的基本技能之一。语言技能有四种,即听、说、读和写,其中说和写的技能属于主动性技能,比较难掌握,而听和读的技能属于被动性技能,比较容易掌握。阅读技能相对来讲是最容易掌握的技能。为什么阅读技能会比较容易掌握,因为人们在阅读时,可以自己控制阅读速度,可以查阅字典,压力较少,因此比较容易达到人们的阅读目的。本文将以一些阅读实例,来讨论英语阅读技能和技巧,及其掌握学习的方法。 英语语言教学和研究人员对英语阅读技能和技巧的分类有所不同,但基本上可分为四种。第一种是精读(intensive reading skill);第二种是泛读(extensive reading skill);第三种是略读(skimming reading skill);第四种是掠读(scanning reading skill);每种阅读技能和技巧都有其特点和要求,下面分别对这四种阅读技能和技巧做一些介绍。 精读技能 精读(Intensive Reading)在四种阅读技能和技巧中要求最高,对所阅读的文章,要做到逐字细读,不但要了解文章的主题思想和内容,了解文章的文法结构,而且要掌握每个字词的意义和用法,必要时还需要把文章翻译成中文。精读阅读技能是学习和研究英语的人或从事翻译人员必需要掌握的技能,但对只需要查阅英语科技文献和信息的科技工作者,在多数情况下不需要使用精读技能。运用精读技能,不是看文章的长短,而在于是否需要对所阅读的英语资料文章做深度了解和研究。 下面以一则英语新闻为例,来简要说明通过精读,要到达什么样的标准? 英语原文:(此文摘自2000年3月25日美国加利福尼亚州硅谷地区一份非常具有权威性的,以科技消息为主的报纸《圣荷西水星报(San Jose Mercury News)》商业版C1科技新闻部分) IBM Developing chips for TV set-top boxes Computer giant IBM said Friday it is developing chips for televison set-top boxes that will transform TV sets into interactive, two-way information appliances. By Computing PowerPC processors and television set-top box components into a single "system-on-a-chip," the Armonk, N.Y., company aims toimprove system performance and lower prices. "The PowerPc is an ideal chip because it has a good radio of power consumption, performance and low cost,”said Tom Haffhil, an analyst for MicroDesign Resource. 分析:本文是一则新闻,报导美国IBM公司研发新产品的消息,其标题是IBM Developing chips for TV set-top boxes,意为“IBM公司研发电视机顶盒芯片” 这篇短文共有81个字,三个句子,二个复合句,其中有一个是直接引语,还有一简单句。 第一句:" Computer giant IBM saidFriday it is developing chipsfor televison set-top boxes that will transform TV sets into interactive, two-way information appliances. "这是一个复合句,主句含宾语从句“said: "Friday it is...... information appliance.",宾语从句中含有定语从句“that will transform TV sets into interactive, two-way information appliances"修饰词组“televsion set-top boxes"。 第二句:“By Computing PowerPC processors and television set-top box components into asingle "system-on-a-chip," the Armonk, N.Y., company aims to improve system performance and lower prices." 这是一个简单句,主语是"the Armonk, N.Y., company",谓语动词是"aims",“to improve......"是不定式短语,作为目的状语,说明"aims"目的是什么。"By Computing PowerPC....."是介词By引导的短语,也是状语,表示“aims"的手段。 第三句:"The PowerPc is an ideal chip because it has a good radio of power consumption, performance and low cost,” said Tom Haffhil, an analyst for MicroDesign Resource."这是一个有直接引语的复合句,引号内为直接引语,它是一个复合句,其中"The PowerPc is an ideal chip"是主句,"because it has......"是原因状语,修饰主句。Tom Haffhil是主句的主语,an analyst for MicroDesign Resource是同位语,修饰主语Tom Haffhil的身份,said是主句谓语动词。 只有在了解了句子结构后,才能准确理解文章内容。除此之外,还要对文章的词汇含义,时态等做分析。到此,只是按精读的要求,做了很少的一部分分析,还有许多细节要讨论。由于文章篇幅限制,就不再做更进一步的分析了。精读技能不是一朝夕就能学会的,它需要有比较全面的英语知识,需要通过大量的阅读训练才能掌握好。 另外三种阅读技能和技巧,对需要及时了解大量英语科技信息的人们,更为实用,使用频率高,也比较容易掌握。熟练掌握了这三种英语阅读技能和技巧,对提高精读技能水平很有帮助。 泛读技能 泛读(Extensive Reading)顾名思义可以知道它是要广泛的阅读,通过阅读大量英语文章,来提高英语语感和扩大知识面。泛读没有什么特别要求,关键在于一个量。如果能坚持经常阅读一定数量的英语文章,每周阅读二至三篇文章即可。英语文章长度可长可短,因人而异。科技人员工作忙,时间少,开始做泛读练习时,可以从500字开始,以后逐渐增加长度,一般控制在2000至3000字左右为宜。如果能坚持下去,一年以后,英语水平一定会有很大提高,到那时自己可以感觉出来这种变化。 有一点要注意的是,选择泛读文章题材要尽量多样化,这样才能保证知识和词汇涵盖面。如果时间有限,当然也可以只选择与自己专业相关题材的文章。尽量选择一些自己感兴趣的文章,是一个能保证泛读训练持久的好办法。 在做泛读练习时,要求虽然不像精读那样严格,但是必须要从头到尾把文章读完,对文章的关键词语和句子要有所理解。为了达到这样的要求,最好根据文章的内容或特点,事先提出一些问题,在阅读之后,回答这些问题,以巩固阅读效果。下面一些问题可以作为泛读练习提问的内容参考。 1. What is main theme of the article? 文章的主题思想是什么? 2. How many paragraphs does this article have? 此文有几个段落? 3. What is the topic sentenceof each paragraph? 每段的主题句是什么? 4. Pick up the sentences you are most interested and analyze them. 挑选出你最感兴趣的句子,并做分析,


《阅读英語科技文章的技能和技巧简述》(https://www.unjs.com)。 5. List the important and useful words and phrases.记录下重要的和有用的单词和短语。 除了上面这些问题外,读者也可以加上自己想要回答的问题。初级英语读者可以先用中文提问题,随着水平的提高,逐步直接用英语提问题。 略读技巧 略读(Skimming)是一种快速阅读技巧,在查询大量英语文献时非常有用。略读是快速阅读文章,目的是了解文章主题思想。略读时不需要逐字去读,而是寻找文章内关键词语,主题句,从而了解文章的主题思想。在这个基础上,决定是否选取此资料,是否需要进一步精读。现在以下面的短文为例,说明如何运用略读技技巧,找出此文的主题思想。In Praise of New York City (Excerpt)It might appear to any casual visitor who may have taken a few rides about town in a taxicab that all New Yorkers are filled with aloudmouthed ill will toward each other. The fact of the matter is, though, that however cold and cruel thingsseem on the surface, there has never been a society of people in all history with somuch compassions for its fellow man. It clothes, feeds, and houses 15 percent of its own because 1.26 million people in New York are unable to do it for themselves. Your couldn't call that cold or cruel. Everyone must have seen pictures at least of the great numberof poor people who live in New York. And it seems strange, in view of this, that so many people come here seeking their fortune or maybe someone else's. But if anything aboutthe city's population is moreis more impressive than the great number of poor people. There's no need to search forburied treasure in New York. The great American dream is out in the open for everyone to see and to reach for. No one seems to resent the very rich. It must be because eventhose people who can never realistically believe. They'll get rich themselves can still dream about it. Andthey respond to the hope of getting what they see others having. Their hope alone seems to be enough to sustainthem. The woman going into Tiffany's to buy another diamond pin can pass within ten feet of a man without money enough for lunch. They are oblivious to each other. He feels no envy; she no remorse.There's a disregard for the past in New York that dismayseven a lot of New Yorkers. Itis true that no one pays muchattention to antiquity. The immigrants who came here camefor something new, and what New York used to be means nothing to them. Their heritage is somewhere else. Old million-dollar buildings are constantly being torn down and replaced by new fifty-million-dollar ones. InLondon, Rome, Paris, much of the land has only been built on once in all their long history. In relatively new New York, some lots have already been built on four times. Because strangers only see New Yorkers in transit, they leave with the impression that the city is one grealy mindless rush to nowhere. They complain that it's moving too fast, but they don't notice that it's getting there first. For better and for worse, New York has been where the rest of the country is going. 这篇短文约500字。用略读技巧,应该在2-3分钟内读完全文。文中用彩色斜体字,是阅读时应该注意句子或词语。此文主题是介绍纽约市及人们对纽约市的正反两个方面的看法(This article is about New York City and both positive and negative impressions on New York from the people.)。了解短文的主题,就等于有一条线索,帮助读者更好的理解文章。略读是在大量英语文献中,查找和选择所需要的资料时,非常有用的阅读技巧。 掠读技巧 掠读(Scanning)也是一种快速阅读技巧,与略读不同的是,它用来查询文章中的特定信息。人们在日常生活和工作时,都在自觉或不自觉地在使用掠读技巧。例如,看飞机时刻表,查找特定的航班时间;查字典时,查阅所需要的词汇;看文章时,查找特定的信息;看报纸广告时,查找所需要的广告信息等等。下面是一组找工作的英文广告,使用掠读的办法快速找出有几个广告是关于计算机程序员(Programmer)工作。 掠读时,是找特定信息,所以只需要查看有programmer一词的广告,其它完全不需要看,下面的一组广告应该在不到一分钟就读完,迅速找到所有programmer的广告。 查找结果,一共有五则广告,画有红圈的即是相关广告。 略读和掠读技巧对阅读的速度是有要求的,要越快越好。在训练这两种阅读技能时,最好用表来记时,来督促自己,不断提高阅读速度。 在了解英语四种基本阅读技能和技巧后,就是要通过练习,熟练掌握这些阅读技能。掌握了这些阅读技能后,等于有了得力助手,就可在浩如烟海的英语文献海洋中,遂心畅游,迅速查到自己所需要的资料。

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