pwned 一败涂地

时间:2024-05-05 01:51:31 英语阅读 我要投稿
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pwned 一败涂地

"Pwned" means "to be utterly1 defeated by an opponent" or "to be defeated by a superior power".  “Pwned”(一败涂地)是“被对手彻底打败”或“被一股超强力量击败”的意思。   This informal term is used more often in video gaming, and supposedly resulted from a common mistyping of own with this sense, as a result of the proximity2 of p and o on a computer keyboard. Along with pwned comes pwnage, being "the action or fact of utterly defeating an opponent or rival" 这个词属于非正式用语,常用于电子游戏中,据说这个词来源于常见的“own”误输,因为电脑键盘上p和o离得很近。和“pwned”一起的还有“pwnage”,意思是“把对手打得永无翻身之日的行为或事实”。   It can be pronounced as "owned" or as "poned", with both pronunciations being correct. In some cases, you will even hear it pronounced as "pawned3". 这个词可以读成"owned" 或"poned",两种读法都对,有时你甚至会听到有人将其念做"pawned"。

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