In Bowling Place(1)

时间:2023-05-04 19:19:40 体育英语 我要投稿
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In Bowling Place(1)

Part I


  huihui:hello, 大家好,我和Nathan现在在一个保龄球馆门口,这位是我的好朋友,他叫做Chris。那么今天的Sports Talk中,我们三个就一起来打一场保龄吧

  Nathan: Wow, it’s SO exciting for me to play bowling! but actually, I know some more fun sports, like…



  Nathan:sure,bowling, oh, such a great game, but you know…

  慧慧: 你哪来这么多but啊,噢我知道了,你是不是不太会打啊,怕丢人?

  Nathan: well,not exactly……



  Part II


  慧慧: 咱们开始把,说好啦,可是要记分的哦,我先来,我先来(拿球) 注意了啊。(全中)

  Nathan:wow, huihui, oh. strike! You made a strike! Oh, It’s amazing.

  慧慧: 咳,这算什么啊,我都没发挥好,来来来,谁第二个?

  Chris: 我来我来oh…Yes, not bad.

  Nathan: ok ok I’m gonna throw it.(扔球,滚沟球)

  Chris: wow, a gutter ball, it seems your friend really cannot play it well.

  Huihui 幸灾乐祸

  Nathanwell, you see, I shouldn't have been here today. It’s kind of embarrassed.

  慧慧: 真不是我幸灾乐祸啊,不过你实在是够臭的

  Chris: anyway, Nathan, practise makes perfect. If you keep trying, you’ll definitely get progress. I’ll help you.

  Nathan: really? Oh thank you. Huihui,你看看人家这国际主义精神。

  Part III

  [Chris 教Nathan并且示范,Nathan频频点头状并且follow]

  Chris: got it?

  Nathan:Ok, I know, thank you thank you! J

  Chris: you are welcome, ok, you can try it now

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