
时间:2023-05-04 20:03:49 专业词汇 我要投稿
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美国大片《亚历山大》刚刚上映就引来不少批评,更被一些影评家贬为“一次高贵的失败”和“最平淡的史诗”。此外,影片将曾征服欧亚大陆的亚历山大大帝描绘成了一个双性恋者,引起了一些希腊人的强烈不满。为了给他们心目中的民族英雄“讨回公道”,25个希腊律师决定将联名起诉制作方华纳兄弟公司,并将该片导演奥利佛·斯通一并告上法庭。外电报道如下:While critics savaged Oliver Stone's long-waited epic "Alexander," novelist and social activist Gore Vidal rallied to the $160 million movie's defense saying it was "barrier-breaking" because of its frank depiction of bisexuality.

Stone's film opened on Wednesday to near universal pans from critics who called it everything from a "noble failure" to an "indifferent epic."

The Charlotte, North Carolina, Observer said the movie was "an act of hubris so huge, that, in Alexander's time, it would draw lightning bolts from contemptuous gods."

Bisexuality表示“双性恋,雌雄同体(株)”,例如:Bisexuality and related problems also exist in both the heterosexual and gay, lesbian.(双性恋及其带来的问题同样存在于异性恋和男、女同性恋者中。)