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Many people across the country now is preparing the National Entrance Exam for postgraduates. You may come across the following terms in stories about postgraduate studies.to increase enrollment/course-related test/ subject-specific basic test/ common subject test 扩招/专业课/专业基础课/公共科目
The director of the ministry's student department said that China's colleges and universities would continue to increase enrollment during the 1996-2002 period. — PEOPLE'S DAILY
minimum admission score/ pre-enrollment/ first-tier exam/ selective second-tier exam/ non-selective second-tier exam录取分数线/提前招生/初试/差额复试/等额复试
The computer-based score can range from 40 to 300, with a generally accepted minimum score of 213. However, several departments have now raised their minimum admission score to 237 or 250. — CHINA DAILY
admissions test for Master's degree in a different field/ popular subject area/ less-popular subject area/alternative major choice跨专业考研/热门专业/冷门专业/志愿调剂
A student who holds a degree from the College of Education may qualify for a Master's degree in a different field. — GRADCAT
planned enrollment/ open enrollment 计划内招生/计划外招生
The Legislature will need updated projections each year, however, to ensure that planned enrollment increases are adequate. — LAO
enrollment with recommendation/ self-supporting graduate student 推荐免试生/自费研究生
Students who have completed their junior year of high school may be permitted to enroll upon recommendation of their high school principal. Concurrently enrolled students receive college credit only. — UTB
targeted-area student/ job-directed student 定向生/委培生
The classes for ethnic minority students have adopted methods of targeted-area enrollments and job-directed assignments. — CHINA DAILY
second Bachelor's degree/ two Bachelor's degrees 第二学位/双学位
A student may pursue
马术:Equestrian 英语词汇07-04
考研名师指点 究竟何为考研名校04-07