Do you have it in extra large?你有特大号的

时间:2023-04-30 10:29:20 体育口语 我要投稿
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Do you have it in extra large?你有特大号的吗

  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都看到过许多经典的句子吧,句子是能够表达一个相对完整的意思,有一定的语调,表示不同的语气,句未有一个较大停顿的语言单位。那什么样的句子才具有启发意义呢?下面是小编收集整理的Do you have it in extra large?你有特大号的吗,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

  Do you have it in extra large?


  A: Can I try that jacket, please? The red one.

  A: 我可以试试那件夹克吗?红色的那件。

  B: Here it is. We also have it in black.

  B: 给您。我们还有黑色的。

  A: Mmm. Its OK, perhaps a little tight. Im not sure if it really fits.

  A: 呣。这件不错,但是可能有点紧。我不太肯定它是否合身。

  B: Is it too small? Do you need a larger size?

  B: 它太小了吗?您需要大一号的吗?

  A: Yes, I think so. Do you have it in extra large?

  A: 是的,我想是这样。你们有特大号的吗?

  B: Yes, Ill get you one in XL.

  B: 是的,我这就给您拿一件XL号的。


  1. When you are shopping for clothes, you often ask: Can I try . . . ? e.g. Can I try that jacket, please? 当你购买衣服时,你经常要问:Can I try . . . ? / 我能试试 . . .吗 ? 例如: Can I try that jacket, please?/我可以试试那件夹克吗?

  2. Also, you can describe how an item of clothes fits in several ways, e.g. Its a little tight /Its too small. 你还可以用多种方法描述某件衣服是否合身,例如:Its a little tight / 有一点紧: Its too small /太小了。

  3. You can say extra large / extra large, or just say the letters: X – L / X- L你可以说extra large /特大的,或者仅仅说出字母:X – L / X- L

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