
时间:2021-06-20 09:56:53 英语语法 我要投稿




  101. Yesterday the president spoke on TV to the _______.

  A. country B. nation C. land D. state

  102. The nurse gave ________ the sweets to the children.

  A. up B. off C. out D. in

  103. Remember to______ a stamp on the envelope before you post it.

  A. put B. place C. strike D. stick

  104 John: Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you?

  Jack: _______

  John: I want to buy a notebook.

  A. How do you want it? B. How much?

  C. What for? D. When can you pay me back?

  105. After school was over the boys ________ their books and went home.

  A. put in B. put aside C. put away D. put up

  106. _______ went to see the film yesterday.

  A. Every of them B. Both they

  C. Nobody of them D. Not all of them

  107. The higher the birds flew, _______ we could see them.

  A. less clearly B. the less clearly

  C. more clear D. more clearly

  108. With her long beautiful hair gone _______ would be no use for the combs.

  A. she B. they C. there D. it.

  109. Joe: Why don't you tell me a few things about your country?

  Ken: __________

  A. Because I can't tell you many things at a time B. I'm afraid I can't.

  C. Sure. What in general are you interested in? D. I don't know anything about that.

  110. --You look so worn-out!

  --i lay ________ all the night.

  A. woke B. awake C. slept D. asleep

  答案:101-110 BCDCC DBCCB

  《高三英语语法综合训练练习题11》由出国我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 智利教育部要求大学检讨学生修业时间过长的问题老挝:泰国留学生欢庆宋干节儿子:唐国强16岁儿子私房照曝光 帅气斯文留学美国(签证:澳洲留学新政带来五大利好雅思口语常见类型:Mobil phone奥地利年轻教师自2013/14学年起应增加在校时间俄语阅读:66句经典句子俄语翻译(2)维也纳多数年轻医生後悔选读医学系雅思备考信息:复习总结与临场回顾艺术类院校招生:南京理工大学今年艺术类成绩查询时 高中英语语法:高三英语语法综合训练练习题11

  编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 智利教育部要求大学检讨学生修业时间过长的问题老挝:泰国留学生欢庆宋干节儿子:唐国强16岁儿子私房照曝光 帅气斯文留学美国(签证:澳洲留学新政带来五大利好雅思口语常见类型:Mobil phone奥地利年轻教师自2013/14学年起应增加在校时间俄语阅读:66句经典句子俄语翻译(2)维也纳多数年轻医生後悔选读医学系雅思备考信息:复习总结与临场回顾艺术类院校招生:南京理工大学今年艺术类成绩查询时









