
时间:2023-05-04 21:58:42 英语方法 我要投稿
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each?pron.? 每个,各,各自  ‖ ?a.?  每个的,各自的  ‖ ?ad.?  各自

记忆技巧对比近义词记忆:?pron.? every one; ?a.?  every, individual, separate; ?ad. individually, respectively

【短语搭配】each other 互相,彼此?

 He gave us 5 books each. 他给我们每人五本书。

【辨析】 ①each 和every 一般都作限定词,用于单数可数名词之前;each 用以指一个群体(至少两个)中个别的个体:Each student learns at his or her own pace. 每个学生按自己的进度学习。every 指一个群体(至少三个)中侧重于全体的所有个体,而不在个别的个体,这个词可以受某些副词修饰:Every/Nearly every student in the sc

hool passed the swimming test. 这所学校的每一个/几乎每一个学生游泳都及格了。

②each (one)of 和every one of 用于复数名词或代词之前,但应注意的是,动词仍用单数:Each of the houses is slightly different. 每所房子都稍有区别。She gave each (one) of her grandchildren 50p. 她给每个孙儿50便士。I bought a dozen eggs and every on

e of them was bad. 我买了一打鸡蛋,每个都是坏的。?

重点提示 each 本身可作代词:I asked all the children and each told a different story. 我问过所有的孩子,每个人的说法都不一样。它还可以用于复数的主语之后或复数动词的间接宾语之后:We each have a different point of view. 我们每个人都有不同的观点。


eager a.?  热切的,渴望的,热心的

记忆?技巧对比近义词记忆:desirous, enthusiastic, longing, yearning, impatient, earnest keen, anxious; 对比反义词记忆:indifferent; 结合派生词记忆:eagerly, eagerness[BG)]

【短语搭配】be eager for sth.渴求某事物/an eager beaver(有时作贬义)积极、努力又热心的人/be eager to do 渴望做…/be eager in 在…方面热心的I eager for success. 我渴望成功。


ear n.? 耳朵,耳状物;听觉,听力;(麦子的)穗;倾听,注意

记忆?技巧对比近义词记忆:attention, notice, regard, consideration;结合派生词记忆:earphone, ear-ring, earache, earful, ear-drop, earshot

【短语搭配】(be) all ears 专心倾听/in at one ear and out at the other 左耳进右耳出,当作耳边风/up to the ears in work 工作极繁忙/set persons by the ears 挑拨离间/turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻/over head and ears 深陷(债务等中)/pick up one?s ears 显出期待或关切的神情/catch a person?s ear 听到?

 He’s got an ear infection. 他耳朵感染了。?

Tell me your news; I?m all ears. 把你的新鲜事儿告诉我,我洗耳恭听。


early  adj. & adv.? 早;初,初期;提前,提早

记忆?技巧对比近义词记忆 :in advance, beforehand, too soon;对比反义词记忆:late

【短语搭配】early on 在初期,开始后不久/early and late 一直,无论如何/at your earliest convenience 尽早/at earliest 至早/an early bird 早到、早起等的人/the early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟才能捉到虫;捷足先登/early days (yet) 过早,尚早/the early hours 深夜/keep early hours 早睡,早起?

Two players were injured early in the season. 有两名选手在该季开始不久就受了伤。?

The train arrived five minutes early. 火车早到了五分钟。



earn v.?赚,挣;(因自己的成就、行为等)得到(应得的事物),博得,使得

记忆?技巧对比近义词记忆:gain, get, obtain, acquire, achieve, win;对比反义词记忆:lose;结合派生词记忆:earnings, earnings-related [BG)]

【短语搭配】earn one’s living 谋生/earn one?s keep 挣钱维持生活/earn/turn an honest penny 以正当的手段凭努力工作挣钱?

She earned her living by dancing in a club. 她靠在俱乐部跳舞谋生。?

You’ve certainly earned your retirement. 你确已理当退休了。?

His bad manners earned him a sharp rebuke. 他因为没有礼貌而受到责备。











