
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  1. Many college graduates find it difficult to get an ideal job today _________________(即使他们有学士学位).

  2._____________________(与你对公司的贡献相比),what I have done was unworthy of mentioning.

  3.Some experts recommend that______________(不应太强调语法的重要性)at the early stage of children's language learning.

  4.After supper she would sit down by the fire,_________________(有时长达一小时).

  5.With a lot of assignments in hand,you __________________(不该出席昨晚的闭幕式).


  1.even if/though they get Bachelor's degree

  考查even if/though 引导的让步状语从句。学士学位的固定表达:Bachelor's degree。

  2.Compared with your contribution to the company/In comparison with your contribution to the company

  与…相比,可以翻译为 Compared with或In comparison wih,对…的贡献译作contribution to。

  3.importance shouldn't be attached to grammar too much

  recommend表建议,其后面的宾语从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,其形式为(should)+动词原形。“强调…的重要性”表达为attach importance to。“语法”是强调的动作承受者,需要用被动结构。

  4.sometimes for as long as an hour

  (时间上)“长达”,用as long as 结构。表示时间段用介词for。

  5.shouldn't/oughtn't to have attend the closing ceremony last night

  情态动词+have+过去分词结构表示对过去情况的猜测。待译部分隐含“不该做但已经做了”的意味,用shouldn't/oughtn't to have + 过去分词表示。闭幕式用the closing ceremony表达;出席:attend。


  1. Althrough her life, this woman applies herself to___________(帮助她女儿康复).

  2. It needs the whole team's efforts___________(按原计划实施这项工程).

  3.Last week in his class,Professor Lee said that _____________________________(月亮绕着地球转).

  4._____________________(每次他错过火车),he would go to the nearby bar for beer.

  5.She realized her dream of becoming a writer eventually ____________(在历尽艰辛之后).


  1.helping her daughter(to) recover.

  "专心做某事“的固定搭配是apply oneself to, to是介词,后面要跟名词性成分,故用名词或动名词。“康复”的表达为recover(from)。"帮助某人做某事"的表达为help sb. (to) do sth或help sb. with sth. 。

  2.to implement this project as planned

  名词性从句在表达客观规律时,应用一般现在时,此时不要求与主句时态保持一致。“实施”的表达为implement, 也可用carry out.“按原定计划"的表达是as planned.

  3.the moon revolves the earth

  名词性从句在表达客观规律时,应用一般现在时,此时不要求与主句时态保持一致。旋转的表达为revolve。自然界独一无二事物的名词前面用定冠词修饰,如the earth,the moon。

  4.Every time he missed the train

  一些表示时间的名词词组,如the moment,last time,next time,every time等可用来引导时间状语从句。错过的表达为miss。从句的动作先于主句,主句用了过去将来时,故从句用一般过去时。

  5.after she went through many hardships

  after引导的时间状语从句。历尽艰辛,用go through many hardships表达;也可以用endure many hardships。


  1.Anything that goes against the interest of people ____________ (注定以失败告终).

  2. If he had not turned a deaf ear to the doctor, ________ (伤早就治愈了).

  3. The popular artist said she____________________________(喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐).

  4. The market share of DDF Company_______ (占了总市场份额的五分之二)in our country so far.

  5. ____________ (据报道将实施新规定)by 2012.


  1.is doomed/bound to end in failure.

  "注定"的表达有doomed to和to be bound to, 句子的主语为anything, 定语从句的时态为一般现在时,故主句的系动词be要用第三人称单数形式,即is. 以失败告终的表达为end in failure.

  2.the wound would have been cured/healed

  if…had done表示对过去情况的虚拟,从句时态用过去完成时,主句应使用would have done的结构, "治愈"的表达为cure或者heal

  考查被动语态: "伤"是"被治愈",需用被动结构。

  3.preferred classical music to popular songs

  表示比较意义时不一定用比较级体现,还可以用固定搭配,如prefer…to…,be superior to等。"喜欢......胜过......"的表达为prefer…to…。

  4.has accounted for two fifths of the total

  "占"的表达为account for。"五分之 二"是分数,分子在前用基数词,分母在后用序数词.分子超过1时,分母要用 复数形式。

  5.It is reported (that) new regulation will have been enforced

  主语"规定"是动作"实施"的承受者,用被动语态。 表示将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作时需用将来完成时态。当主语不明或不特别强调时,用it is reported(据报道), it is said(据说)等,后接不定式或从句。此题当中"实施新规定"是从句,故用It is reported (that)句型。


  1.Anything that goes against the interest of people ____________ (注定以失败告终).

  2. If he had not turned a deaf ear to the doctor, ________ (伤早就治愈了).

  3. The popular artist said she____________________________(喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐).

  4. The market share of DDF Company_______ (占了总市场份额的五分之二)in our country so far.

  5. ____________ (据报道将实施新规定)by 2012.


  1.is doomed/bound to end in failure.

  "注定"的表达有doomed to和to be bound to, 句子的主语为anything, 定语从句的时态为一般现在时,故主句的系动词be要用第三人称单数形式,即is.以失败告终的表达为end in failure.

  2.the wound would have been cured/healed

  if…had done表示对过去情况的虚拟,从句时态用过去完成时,主句应使用would have done的结构。"治愈"的表达为cure或者heal"伤"是"被治愈",需用被动结构。

  3.preferred classical music to popular songs

  表示比较意义时不一定用比较级体现,还可以用固定搭配,如prefer…to…,be superior to等。"喜欢......胜过......"的表达为prefer…to…。

  4.has accounted for two fifths of the total

  "占"的表达为account for。"五分之 二"是分数,分子在前用基数词,分母在后用序数词.分子超过1时,分母要用 复数形式。

  5.It is reported (that) new regulation will have been enforced

  主语"规定"是动作"实施"的承受者,用被动语态。表示将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作时需用将来完成时态。当主语不明或不特别强调时,用it is reported(据报道), it is said(据说)等,后接不定式或从句。此题当中"实施新规定"是从句,故用It is reported (that)句型。


  1. Delegates from many nations proposed ___________(废除更多的核电站).

  2. The output of the workshop this month _________(相比增加了 20%) of last month.

  3. _____________(最使我们困惑的是)is that this restaurant doesn't have any table at all.

  4. Two tourists visited the service center frequently__________(投诉被收费过高).

  5. ___________(因为大一新生常在校园迷路), the univerisity prepares the map for them.


  1.(that) more nuclear power plants (should) be removed/abolished

  动词proposed后的宾语从句中要求用虚拟语气,其形式为: 谓语动词原形或should+动词原形。"废除更多的核电站"是宾语从句,作动词proposed的宾语, that可省略。"核电站"译为nudear power plant;"废除"可用remove, 也可用abolish.核电站是"废除"的承受者,用被动语态。

  2.has increased by 20 percent compared with that

  英语当中常用increase,go up,rise, grow…或decrease, reduce, drop, fall, decline等词表示"增或减"。后跟by表示"增减了多少",to表 示"增减到多少"。"与……相比"的表达为compared with…,with之后是比较的对象,常用代词that指代上文提过的output。

  3.What puzzles/confuses us most

  汉语中的"的"字结构可以用What引导的主语从句表达,作整个句子的主语。"使某人困惑"可译为confuse sb或 puzzle sb.。"最"表程度,用most修饰谓语动词confuse/puzzle。

  4.to complain of/about being overcharged

  "投诉"的表达为complain,其后跟名词时要用about或 of "收费过高"的表达为overcharge/charge too much.主语two tourists是动作overcharge的承受者,用被动语态。visit的宾语后出现动词,要用to连接,表示目的。

  5.Because/Since the freshmen often lose their way on campus// Because/Since the freshmen often get lost on campus.

  在句首接从句表示原因常用because/since."迷路"表达: 常用固定搭配lose one's way或get lost."大一新生"表达为freshmen.


  1. The new policy established last month_________________(使跨文化交流成为可能).

  2. If his parents had found this earlier,______________(他就不会吸烟上瘾).

  3. The girl taken to the court by the police claimed that__________(被说服吃药).

  4. ______________ (如果你按照我的指令的话), the computer wouldn't have broken down.

  5. When they got off the plane,_________(外宾们收到了热烈欢迎) by the children.


  1. makes it possible to have cross-culture/cross-cultural communication

  "使...成为可能"的表达为make it possible to do sth.。真正宾语是cross-culture/cross-cultural communication。"跨文化"的表达为cross-culture,也可用其形容词cross-cultural;"交流"的表达为communication。

  2.he wouldn't have been/become addicated to smoking.

  由if...had done引导,表示对过去情况的虚拟,从句时态过去完成时,主句应用would have done的结构。

  3.she had been talked into taking medicine//she had been persuaded to take medicine

  主语The girl是"说服"的承受者,故用被动结构。"被说服"表达为be talked into doing sth,也可用be persuaded to do sth表达。"吃药"用take medicine表达,不能用eat medicine

  4.If you had followed my instructions/orders //Had you followed my instructions/orders

  当主句出现woukl not havc done的形式时,从句应采用过去完成时,即"had+过去分词"结构。如果用if引导从句则是If+主渭的形式: if也可省略,在这种情况把had过于主语之前,构成倒装结构。"按照我的指令",表达为follow my instructions/orders,注意多样化的表达。

  5.the foreign guests were given a warm welcome // the foreign guests were welcomed warmly

  "热烈欢迎"的表达: 名词形式用warm welcome,动词形式用be welcomed warmly."外宾"表达是foreign guests.









