
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  With the popularity of computers and the Internet,there is a wide range of games that people can choose from.Young people like online games most.However,this phenomenon troubles many parents and teachers.Many students are addicted to games,leading to a decline in their health condition and academic performance.On the contrary,some say that playing online games can train the players,reaction ability,which is of great help in forming quick reaction and fast thinking.Moreover,when playing computer games,players can temporarily release great pressure from their work and study.As long as we are not addicted to online games,we can enjoy the joy it brings us heartily.


  1.随着电脑和互联网的普及:可译为With the popularity of computers and the Internet.Popularity意为“普及,流行”。


  3.沉迷于:可译为固定短语be addicted to.addict意为“使沉溺,使上瘾”。

  4.导致健康状况和学习成绩的下降:可译为leading to a decline in their health condition and academic performance.其中lead to意为“导致”,decline意为“下降”。

  5.有些人指出:可译为some say,还可译为some point out.

  6.释放压力:可译为release the pressure或ease the pressure.

  7.只要:可译为固定短语as long as或so long as.

  杭州是浙江省的省会城市的政治、经济和文化中心。杭州历史悠久,是中国著名的七大古都之一。杭州也是著名的旅游城市,被誉为人间天堂(paradise),意大利旅行家马可?波罗(Macro Polo)曾称赞它为“世界上最美丽华贵之城”。位于市中心的西湖景区以其秀丽的湖光山色和众多的历史遗迹闻名中外。杭州特产众多,其中以丝绸和茶叶最受欢迎。

  1.第1句“杭州是......,是......”如依照原文采用并列结构表达为Hangzhou is the capital city of Zhejiang Province,and is...,则稍显平淡,不如将“是浙江省得省会城市”处理成“杭州”的同位语来得简洁和有层次感,译为Hangzhou,the capital city of Zhejiang Province, is...定语“政治、经济和文化”可用介词短语 of politics, economy and culture来表达。

  2.第2句“杭州历史悠久,是中国著名的……之一”可用并列结构译为Hangzhouhas a long history and isone of...,但结构较松散,不如将前半句处理为状语,用介词短语With a long history来表达,使译文更有 逻辑性、结构更紧凑。

  3.第4句中的“位于市中心的”可处理为地点状语,用分词短语locatedin the center of the city来译出。“以其秀丽的湖光山色和众多的历史遗迹闻名中外”可套用be world-famous for...(以......闻名世界)的结构来表达。“众多的”可用many或numerous来表达。

  4.最后一句的主干为“杭州特产众多”,可将其作为主句,其中“特产众多”意即“有众多特产”,因此翻译为Hangzhou boasts numerous special local products。而“其中以丝绸和茶叶最受欢迎”为补充说明“特产 众多”的内容,可用among which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达,译作among which and tea are themost popular。


  Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province, is the provincial center of politics, economy and culture. With a long history, Hangzhou is one of the famous seven ancient capitals in China. It is also a well-known tourist city hailed as "the paradise on earth". Italian traveler Macro Polo once admired Hangzhou as "the most splendid and luxury city in the world". Located in the center of the city, the West Lake scenic spot is world-famous for its beautiful lakes and mountains and many historical relics. Hangzhou boasts numerous special local products, among which silk and tea are the most popular.