
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【www.unjs.com - 学人智库】



  Name of your company:

  Place of your company:



  Dear Sir or Madam,

  We hereby confirm that______ will visit our company in Nantong from______ to______for business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa.

  Here are his personal dates::

  Family name:______

  First name:______

  Date of birth:______

  Place of birth:______


  Passport no Passport expiry Profession

  We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward to welcoming______in China.

  Thank you very much!

  Very truly yours,

  Name Job title

  Company name (then signature and chop)


  Dear Sir or Madam:

  We are very pleased to invite Mr. xxx come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 18th April 2005 . And because the long business co-operation in future between xx对方公司名 and us, they will come to China for many times.

  Please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of xxxxxx in China. All expenses of xxxxx'Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

  We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.

  Yours sincerely,

  General Manager signatur July xx, xxxx

  xxx, CEO xxx, VP Sales

  xxxxxxxx Corporation (Address)

  It’s our great honor to invite you to visit xxx Company located at (address) in August, 2003. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail.

  xxx Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.

  Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China.

  We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel

  free to inform me.

  Yours truly,





  2013年7月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》和2013年9月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》从法律层面为中外人员往来做出了新的制度安排。《外国人入境出境管理条例》规定了12类16种普通签证类型,其中明确需要邀请函的有 C字、F字、M字、Q字、S字签证。对于另外几种签证,签证机关可以根据具体情况,要求外国人提交包括邀请函在内的其他申请材料。






