
时间:2024-03-03 07:27:20 圣诞节短信 我要投稿
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  2、Know how to enjoy, know to share, there are the good in life! Cheer up, my friends, merry Christmas!

  3、2 、圣诞快乐,并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候,一定会让你收到我的祝福。

  4、Merry Christmas, not only in the special day will think of you, but Christmas time, will let you receive my blessing。


  6、The first think of you, the first is I love you, let us together at Christmas for the first time, merry Christmas, baby!

  7、4 、平安夜已经平安快乐的度过了!不知道你过的好不好,想来应该是很好了!那就祝圣诞快乐吧!

  8、Spent Christmas Eve have peace and happiness! Don't know you is good, want to should be very good! Then wish merry Christmas!

  9、5 、圣诞老人说,今年他要把礼物放在我们两个人的袜子里。所以,平安夜你要陪在我身边。

  10、Santa Claus said that this year he is going to put the present on the two of us stocking。 Therefore, Christmas Eve you to accompany in my side。

  11、6 、轻声问候、诚挚祝福,愿快乐常伴你左右,愿你拥有满怀的欢欣、丰收的希望,洋溢在这新的一年。

  12、Gently greetings, sincere blessings, may happiness always around you, wish you have a full of joy, the hope of harvest, abound in this New Year。

  13、7 、圣诞之夜想起你,发个短信问候你,想不起我没关系,只要你快乐又顺心,就是我由衷之惬意。

  14、Christmas night think of you, send a message greeting, you can't remember it doesn't matter, I as long as you are happy and satisfactory, is I most agreeable。

  15、8 、亲爱的,你比圣诞树上的星星还明亮,你比驯鹿还可爱,但你把胡子剃了吗,我可不想你和圣诞老人一个模样。

  16、Dear, you than on the Christmas tree also bright stars, you are cute than reindeer, but shave your beard, I don't want you and Santa Claus is a shape。


  18、Years lived apart in the remote miss, and this little information, heating, for our friendship is countless, may it bring you joy in this white

  19、Christmas festival!

  20、1 0 、如果你是圣诞,我是元旦,你是圣诞老人,我是驯鹿道夫,你是圣诞老婆婆,我是圣诞老公公,祝你圣诞快乐!

  21、If you are my Christmas, New Year's day, you are Santa Claus, I am reindeer doffer, Christmas old woman you are, I am a Santa Claus, I wish you a merry Christmas!

  22、1 1、不要迷恋爷,爷只是个神话传说,爷没有驯鹿,也没有礼物,爷不会钻烟囱,爷只会给你祝福:平安夜平安,圣诞节快乐!

  23、Don't infatuated with the ye, ye is a myth and legend, ye have no reindeer, no gifts, ye not chimney, I can only give you blessing: Christmas Eve Christmas, merry Christmas!

  24、1 2、我托空气为邮差,把我热腾腾的问候装订成包裹,印上真心为邮戳,37度恒温快递,收件人是你。祝你圣诞快乐!

  25、Air for the postman, I put my hot greetings bound into packages, printed on sincerely for the postmark, 37 degrees thermostatic express, the recipient is you。 Wish you a merry Christmas!

  26、1 3、传说:信息发一发,钞票任你花;信息看一看,幸福围你转;信息读一读,快乐你做主;信息转一转,好运永做伴。祝你快乐圣诞!

  27、Myth: information hair round, money you spend; Take a look at the information, happiness around you; Information read, happy your family; Information turn a turn, good luck for company。 I wish you a happy Christmas!










